Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Qayoom was past, President Nasheed is the most appealing leader - said Alhan Fahmy

Feydhoo MP Alhan Fahmy said that although the most popular leader was the former president Maumoon Abdul Qayoom but now he believes that the current leader Nasheed is the most liking leader by the public as well as by him.
Speaking at “Siyaasee Fikuru” (Political Ideology) Programme on MNBC One, Alhan Fahmy said that Qayoom was the most popular leader because people who had the capacity of being political leaders were not given opportunities in his governing authority of his political unit.
“The main reason for President Gayoom for gaining popularity and was seen as the most capable and most qualified leader because there were no opportunities opened for other leaderships. Now when a new leader has come to us, we come to see that there are other people other than Gayoom who have the capability and potential of being great leaders who can serve the people of this country,” the Vice President of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) said.
Meanwhile, earlier before Alhan joined the ruling party Maldivian Democratic Party , speaking at the podium of the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), he said that Gayoom is a person who is deserving praise  for the building of capable educated youth in the country. However, after joining the ruling party, he said that Gayoom is also the major cause increasing Gang Violence, Theft, Murders, and Crime Rates among youths.
Even more, during the 2008 presidential election campaign, Alhan said that there is no leader in the Maldivian political field who can challenge the Former President Maumoon Abdul Qayoom. Whatever may or manner, Alhan said that no other leader can challenge President Nasheed in the coming 2013 Presidential Election.

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