Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Z-Faction Blames President Nasheed saying that he is Misusing Public Assets

The sudden news by Z-Faction of Dhivehi Rayyitunge Party (Z-DRP) has blamed that president Nasheed is using state property for his campaign election in 2013.In a Press conference held at the former president Maumoon Abdul Qayoom office the media director of Z-faction Ahmed Nihan Said" People of the Maldives have been cut off their basic needs “health service of the Maldives have gone worse because of error policies by the government. And Also Nihan said that President nasheed's only 2 and half of his presidential ruling days he stated to misuse the state properties to win his presidential election on 2013:and he always move ahead with his personal interest over the public. President nasheed was blamed by the Z-faction that he is selling public properties to foreign parties to get monetary aid for his campaign.

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